
Here we provide the description of different work packages of the project. Different deliverables will be provided here as the project progresses.

WP0: Project Management

The objectives of this work package are to ensure the progress of the project, make the consortium share and work together, identify risks when they arrive and mitigate them. It will also report to ANR.

WP1: Semantic Interoperability

This work package defines the ontologies for the description of data and services, and their use as raw material for the construction of a CoSWoT application. Each subtask first starts with a state-of-the-art step before resulting in scientific contributions.

WP2: Distributed Reasoning

This WP designs efficient embedded incremental reasoning, as well as distributed reasoning in a heterogeneous edge architecture.

WP3: Platform and Integration

To guarantee transferability to industry, this WP will develop an architecture that allows to integrate results of WP1 and WP2 with an open source WoT platform. WP4 will be implemented on top of it.

WP4: Use cases, Simulations, Experiments

This WP will define and implement realistic use cases to validate our approach. Smart buildings use cases will be run on the partners’ sites (LyonTech-Doua, Plateforme Territoire), and agricultural use cases will be implemented as part of a real farm operation. Simulations will be run before real life experiments.

WP5: Dissemination, Standardisation

This WP has the objective to make the project results known and used. The targets are both academia and industry. Standardisation bodies will also be solicited to consider our proposed enhancements.
